
為支持環保,你可透過以下表格,登記獲取基督教靈實協會2023/2024年報 – 電子版

基督教靈實協會(下稱靈實)尊重閣下所提交的個人資料,您所提供的個人資料只限用於靈實發出捐款收據、通訊、籌募經費及收集捐款者意見之用。在未得您的事先同意 前,我們不會向其他人士或機構披露所收集的個人資料。 靈實並會確保所有個人資料都根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》所載的規定妥善保存及使用。 如閣下需要查閱或修正你的個人資料,請在辦公時間內致電27033284,電郵至privacy@hohcs.org.hk或致函至香港新界將軍澳靈實路7號一樓與靈實傳訊及籌募部聯絡。 Haven of Hope Christian Service intends to use your personal details for our communication in future, including issuing donation receipt, passing information, fundraising work and conducting donor surveys or research. We will not provide your personal data to third parties without your consent. We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal information we hold by complying with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance with respect to the management of personal information. If you wish to access or correct your personal data, please contact HOHCS Communications and Resource Development Department at 2703 3284, or privacy@hohcs.org.hk or 1/F, 7 Haven of Hope Road, Tseung Kwan O.

Privacy Statement


General Principle

In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Haven of Hope Christian Service (HOHCS) and/ or its service units is committed to safeguard the personal information of web users. Personal data, including but not limited to name, telephone number, facsimile number, address, email address, record of donation will only be collected to organize, coordinate and carry out activities to support or encourage charitable and /or health related works organized and undertaken by HOHCS and/ or its service units and to publicize and promote such works. All reasonably practicable actions shall be taken to ensure that personal data collected and retained are accurate and securely protected. No personal data shall be disclosed to other organization or individuals without consent of the web users.


Collection and Use

When web users visit the website of HOHCS, our service provider will only record their IP address and the pages browsed. No personally identifiable information shall be collected. The aggregate information about the number and types of visitors will be used for conducting analysis for website improvement.


Storage and Access

All personal information that web user provides to HOHCS is secured on HOHCS's server with restricted access. HOHCS reserves the right to use agents, who are bound by strict confidentiality guideline, to perform storage and processing functions. Only designated staff or agents are permitted to view user’s personal data.


Online Registration / Online Donation

When web users register or donate, their personal information will be securely encrypted, in which credit card information will only be collected by the Visa/Master companies via their payment gateway for the purpose of processing the donation payment. HOHCS will not disclose any of such information. Other personal information such as donor's name, telephone number, facsimile number, address, email address and record of donation will only be used for the purposes of issuing and sending of donation receipts and mailing of promotional materials by HOHCS.


Update and Removal

If web users would like to update or remove their personal information from the database of HOHCS, please email your request to crd@hohcs.org.hk or write to our Communications and Resource Development Department. Address is as follows:
Communications and Resource Development Department
Haven of Hope Christian Service
7 Haven of Hope Road
Tseung Kwan O, NT
Hong Kong



The information provided by Haven of Hope Christian Service (HOHCS) on this Website is for general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this Website is accurate, the HOHCS expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in such information and materials.


Users who link from the HOHCS Website to sites provided by other organisations should be aware that the information on those sites has been compiled and issued by those organisations. The HOHCS accepts no responsibility for the content of any site to which a hypertext link from this site exists and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to its use.







根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,基督教靈實協會 (靈實) 及/ 或其服務單位採用以下政策,以確保網頁使用者之個人資料在得到保密。個人資料包括及不限於姓名、電話、傳真、地址、電郵地址及捐款紀錄將用作募捐、組織及籌辦活動以支持、響應、宣傳和推廣我們舉辦的慈善及/或促進健康的工作。靈實採取一切合理、可行的措施以確保個人資料在收集和儲存的過程中得到保護。在未得到網頁使用者同意之前,本院絕不會向外披露任何個人資料。















